Monday Memories #12

Monday Memories

Sorry I missed on posting my Friday Food post on Friday.  Taylor came home on Thursday with the stomach bug and it threw a kink in all my plans.  Oh well, she is feeling better now and I have several days worth of stuff planned for ya’ll.  For those of you who don’t know I am auditioning for So You Think You’re Crafty.  The auditions will go up today so make sure you click on over there and vote for your favorite one.  Can you guess which one is mine??  Check back next week and I’ll give you all the details on my project for the audition.  I am super excited about it and really nervous at the same time.

Last week was so pretty.  Bradley and I spent time outside two days in a row.  He loved it for the most part.  He doesn’t like the grass touching his legs or feet.  Hopefully by the end of summer he will be over that.



Friday we had to go to Winn-Dixie and they had the buggie that has the seat for small children with the steering wheel so we used and Bradley had a blast.  He loved it!  Hopefully its available every time we go.


2 thoughts on “Monday Memories #12

    • Thanks! I know, I saw you were one of them and immediately told my husband. Now I am nervous for Friday to roll around and find out how we did.

Let me know what you think!!