Week 33 Doctor Appointment

Today was my 33 week doctor appointment. They did not check his measurement on the ultrasound like last time. The tape showed I am measuring 3 weeks ahead. Last time the tape showed 4 weeks ahead and the ultrasound showed 6. They did a non-stress test to check his heart rate and everything looked good. During the 20 minutes I was hooked up to the machine I had several contractions but she didn’t say anything about them. The nurse just told me she saw them on the tape. They also did an ultrasound to check his fluid and he has plenty of fluids. I go back in two weeks then I’ll start going every week.

We talked about if I’ll need a c-section or not and she said if I deliver at 35-36 weeks then I won’t but if I go to 38 weeks then it will be a concern so we’d have to do more measurements the farther along I get. I asked about his lungs if I deliver at 35-36 weeks and she said it is possible he would not go home when I do. So now I’m hoping for around 37 weeks. I think with the way my contractions are that if I rest when they pick up hopefully they won’t send me into labor and then when I am 37 weeks do lots of walking and complain to the doctor about them because she’d keep me. That my plan anyway. The way they have been today I should call but I don’t want to spend half the night or all night in labor and delivery so I’m going to rest and drink water.

He was not exactly interested in the camera today so we didn’t get the best ultrasound pictures but she did give me a few.

Sickness Go Away NOW!!!

I have got to be the sickest person I know. I feel like I am always sick. But normally it’s related to sinus problems. Last year I went to the ENT and he said I need the less invasive sinus surgery. Apparently he doesn’t know me very well and the word surgery and Sheena do not go in the same sentence. So I left and I have not been back. I have no plans of going back either. But on nights like tonight I sure do wish there was something to give me some relief. Being pregnant I can’t take a lot of medicines but surprisingly I can take more than I could when I was pregnant with Alyssa and Noah. But even when I am not pregnant, I do not like to take medicine. I will use the vapor bath and humidifier and tough it out before I’ll take medicine. I did break down today and take some medicine. I realized I need something that is going to dry up my sinus and I can take some of that stuff now but I won’t be able to when Bradley gets here and I am nursing. So far, no relief from the medicine but it usually takes a day or two and its 24 hour medicine so I’ve only had one dose so far.

I had some things I wanted to get done around the house this weekend, but with me being sick and the kids not minding I didn’t get those things done. I need their help with some of it, but it seems like lately they do not listen at all. Everyone keeps saying its cause I’m pregnant but they have got to get over it before Bradley gets here. I did get most of my thank you cards written, till I ran out of cards. Also I got honor roll stuff ready to take the school in the morning and some copies. Now my to do list is:

1. Finish packing for the hospital. I still have to put together the stuff for the craft for the kids to entertain them during the waiting time.

2. Make Bradley’s wreath. I have everything ready. I just have to cut the fabric and glue it all together.

3. Clean out hall closet. This is the only closet I haven’t cleaned out yet and it’s bad. Maybe I’ll take a before and after picture.

Most of the other stuff is just cleaning, picking up and waiting on Noah’s room to be done. Noah told Adam today that he wants to move in there as soon as they are done. Any volunteers to help Adam move Noah’s bed?? He has a very heavy bed. It has drawers under it and a bookcase headboard. Moving it from the room the girls are in to the room he is in now was a job and that was a small move. The next move will be across the house. But I am glad he is excited about the room.

I go to the doctor in the morning so I guess I need to try to get some rest.

Another Goose Egg

About 1:30 today I got a phone call from Nurse Jodi. Noah was in her office. I just knew it was because of how he felt this morning, because when he got up this hurt and that hurt and this hurt and that hurt. But he didn’t have a fever so I gave him some medicine and sent him on to school. I told him if he got to feeling really bad to call me. But that was not the case. He had fallen again and had another goose egg. This time it was on his chin. He was walking to line up for a fire drill and he fell. This time wasn’t as bad as last time. I guess the chin doesn’t do as much damage as the forehead. She gave him some ice and he went back to class but was told to come back at 2:15. So I asked her to call me back at 2:15 with an update. When she called me back she said the knot was going down but it was already bruising up and it would probably be sore tomorrow. Of course this does happen the week before pictures. Last time I had a picture appointment scheduled Noah fell and had a big goose egg and Alyssa looked like she had two black eyes.

Wishes for Baby

For my baby shower I decided I did not want to have games. I know boring but I figured with everything else it would just be easier on. But then I saw this really cute idea on Pinterest of “Wishes for Baby”. I thought it would be a cute keepsake to have. I found some paper at Hobby Lobby to match my theme so with my computer, printer, paper trimmer & glue I now have these really cute “Wishes for Baby” cards for everyone to fill out at the baby shower.

Valentines Countdown

A few weeks ago I found a Valentine’s countdown on Pinterest and decided I wanted to make one for my kids since I didn’t make the Advent calendar like I had wanted to for Christmas.

Adam brought home a piece of wood for me. I found some cute plastic heats at Dollar Tree and decided they would be perfect to put candy or a small note in. I laid out the hearts on the wood to figure out how big I wanted him to cut the piece of wood. I used my Cricut to cut the stencil for the words. I did copy the same phrase from what I found on Pinterest. “Happy Valentine’s Day! Countdown to Kisses!” After I painted the wood black, painted the phrase on in red and hot glued my hearts on I used stickers for the numbers.

Now I just have to decided what I’m going to put in them. I have been thinking about a piece of candy for each kid or a note saying a reason I love them each day. I may change it up some and put a note in some of them and candy in some of them.

Week 30 Appointment

Today was my 30 week check up. It was also the follow up to labor & delivery last week.

I am not going to say what my weight is but so far I have gained 18 lbs. My blood pressure was right where it needs to be today so we agree the blood pressure issue last week was stress & I don’t have anything to be worried about as far as that goes.

They decided to check the fluid around Bradley today to make sure he still has enough fluids. Also they wanted to check his size. He does have plenty of fluids around him which resulted in some really good ultrasound pictures including a few 4D ones. As of today I am 30 weeks & 3 days. According to the measurements I am 36 weeks & 6 days with him weigh 5 lbs & 9 oz. Of course that is just an estimate & it could be less & smaller but it does help explain why I am hurting so bad. The doctor would like me to try to go 6 more weeks. Even though he is measuring big his lungs still need more time to develop. If he continues to grow like he is then I may end up having a c-section because of his size.

I am still having contractions but they are irregular. I’ll have them 20 minutes apart for an hour or so then they will be 10 minutes apart then I’ll go 40 minutes and not have one. She checked my cervix and I am still 1 cm dilated. I go back January 30th unless something happens before then & I have to call them but hopefully it won’t.


Lately I have been in the mood to make stuff & I have found so many things on pinterest that I want to make. This weekend was my mother in laws birthday so I decided to make her a photo display I found on pinterest. Thanks to Facebook I was easily able to find pictures of my three nieces so I was able to give it to her with pictures instead of without. I used an ultrasound picture of Bradley so I didn’t leave him out. I changed it up a little bit from the one I found on pinterest, I decided to put the kids’ names on the pins that holds their picture instead of flowers. It was really easy to make, the part that took the longest was waiting on the paint to dry.


Pillow Covers

I have been in the crafting mood the last few days & thankful I have actually had some time to make some stuff. It’s really nice when I have enough time to finish a project. Recently I bought some soft black fabric on clearance at Hobby Lobby. It’s the fabric used to make baby blankets. When I bought it I wasn’t sure what I’d use it for but it was soft & a good deal & with three kids & one on the way I knew I’d find something to use it for. After getting my living room back to normal today, getting out my Valentine’s decorations & looking at my ladybug stuff I decided I’d recover my throw pillows.

These pillows have been around for a while & I wish I had of taken a picture of them before hand but I don’t think about that stuff till I am blogging, maybe one day I’ll get better about it. These pillows are about 15 years old & were white when they were bought but not so much before recovering. I have been looking at them for months thinking they needed to be replaced but everything I had found that I liked was way more than I wanted to spend so recovering them was defiantly much better.